Software Developer.
With passion to craft code into products.

I’m Jord, a software developer and SaaS entrepreneur based in the North West of England. I’m the founder and CEO of Planetaria, where we develop technologies that empower regular people to explore space on their own terms.

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Tasks 52 screenshot

Featured Project

Project: Tasks 52
Role: Lead Developer

Tasks 52 is a software product that helps service business organise their business. Allowing users to be able to schedule jobs, manage customers, optimise performance and take payments.

Tasks 52 is a software product that helps service business organise their business. Allowing users to be able to schedule jobs, manage customers, optimise performance and take payments.

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What a lovely page.

What is new in Vue 3.4?

On December 29th 2023 the Vue Js team released version 3.4. With performance, DX and Two Binding improvements.

Latest Videos

Check back soon. There is currently a few videos in production featuring Vue JS, Flutter, Rust, Typescript and much more!